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Monthly Archives: August 2013

Domestic Abuse Banned In Saudi Arabia

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“In a historic move, Saudi Arabia banned domestic abuse this week, outlawing any form of abuse at home or in the workplace. The Council of Ministers’ approval of the law Monday marks the first time the country has officially recognized domestic violence as a punishable crime. Offenders may face up …

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You Can Buy Pot With Your Credit Card Now

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“The Department of Justice is “actively considering” how to regulate interactions between banks and marijuana shops that operate within state laws and don’t violate other federal law enforcement priorities, Attorney General Eric Holder told the governors of Washington and Colorado in a joint phone call Thursday, according to a DOJ …

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IRS Recognizes Same Sex Marriage

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“The Internal Revenue Service announced on Thursday that it will recognize all married same-sex couples for federal tax purposes, including income, gift and estate taxes, whether or not the state where they live recognizes their marriage. The change stems from the Supreme Court ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act, …

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Drug Companies To Hot Models: Take Those Shirts Off!

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“Three major drug manufacturers are contemplating suing a popular west coast fashion store for selling items of clothing bearing their brand names. Kitson LA stocks NFL-style jerseys emblazoned with the words Adderall, Vicodin and Xanax on the back. They were designed by celebrity favorite, Brian Lichtenberg, who is known for …

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Syria: White House Makes Case For Action

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“In the release of a declassified intelligence brief, a strongly worded public pronouncement from Secretary of State John Kerry, and a background call with reporters, the White House made its formal case Friday for military intervention in Syria. The bottom line, as Kerry outlined in his speech, is that the …

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